Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

Hi...How are you?

SK.1 KD. 1.1: The students are able to give responses of greeting.

Look at the picture. Listen to the teacher and repeat after the teacher!

  • Hello                                                                  
  • How are you?
  • Good morning
  • Good afternoon
  • Good evening
  • Good night
  • Good bye
  • Bye bye
  • How are you?
  • Fine, thanks
  • See you tomorrow


Morning                                                                                                     Afternoon
0.00-12.00                                                                                                 12.00-18.00


Activity 2
Listen to your teacher! Repeat after him/her!

Miss Tina         : Good morning, students.
Students           : Good morning, Ma’am.
Miss Tina         : How are you this morning?
Students           : We’re fine, thank you.
Miss Dina         : Mita, you’re a new student. Come here and introduce yourself.
Mita                 : Good morning, everyone.
                           I am Ranita. Call me Nita.
Exercise 1
Listen to your teacher and complete the following dialogues!

1. Sanusi          : ………………., Laila
    Laila             : Good morning Sanusi.

2. Teacher        : Good morning, students.
    Students       : ………………………..
    Teacher        : ………………………?
    Students       : Fine, thanks you and you?
    Teacher        : ………………………..

3. Citra             : Good evening, Sigit.
    Sigit              : …………….., Citra.
    Citra             : Is Ari at home?
    Sigit              : I’m sorry, Citra. Ari is not at home.
    Citra             : Oh, well. That’s OK. Good night, then.
    Sigit              : ………………...

4. Tina              : Good night, Mira.
    Mira             : …………………………
    Tina              : …………………………
    Mira             : See you.

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